Can a volunteer be also a professional? What is the relationship between profit and non-profit? These are the topics discussed during the seminars “Business and professional volunteering: a strategic alliance between profit and non-profit”, organized by CSV Friuli Venezia Giulia as part of the project “PerCoRSI”, financed by the European Social Fund, and held in Pordenone and Udine on 13th and 14th February 2019.
G. Carotenuto, President of Pro Bono Italia, explained to the participants what is meant by “legal pro bono”, as well as the activities and future projects of the association and explained how free legal assistance is provided by the network’s professionals in favor of NGOs and individuals in need.
“PerCoRSI” is a project launched to spread the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)’s principles in the socio-economic context of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, and is aimed at key players both in the job market and in the academic, education and professional world for the purpose of promoting knowledge of the principles, strategies and best practices, whilst raising awareness among the new generations on the issues of law and sustainable economy –