Roundtable on the transposition of the Whistleblowing Directive, organized by The Good Lobby Italia in collaboration with Pro Bono Italia

On Tuesday, 11th February 2020, at the Rome offices of Legance – Avvocati Associati, an invite-only roundtable was held on the transposition of the Whistleblowing Directive (2019/1937/EU), organized by The Good Lobby Italia in collaboration with Pro Bono Italia. The meeting, attended by the main interested stakeholders (including members of the Parliament), marks the beginning of a new era on how the organized civil society may contribute to the definition of the national legislation implementing EU Directives, in advance of the (forthcoming) Parliamentary hearings.


According to G. Carotenuto, who attended the roundtable, “it is essential to promote a constructive dialogue amongst all the interested stakeholders aimed at defining a draft law implementing the Whistleblowing Directive, which will mark a change of pace in the participation to the life of private and public entities, both in the profit and non-profit sectors. This approach is fully in line with Pro Bono Italia’s goal to foster a professional volunteering culture in Italy, for a practical realization of the social function of the legal profession.